Sunday, January 3, 2010


New Year’s Resolutions

Well, I guess I should get these resolutions down on “paper” so I will be able to go back next year and see how I’ve done.

1. The old stand-by: eat a healthier diet in 2010.  This is one the whole family is working on together this year (although some are not really happy about it).  We are trying to rid our diet of artificial everything as best we can this year.  We’ve started by following some rules on “Whole Foods”, which is basically trying to eat fresh foods with little to no processing.  Processed foods should contain no chemical additives.  So much for the kids’ favorites!  We’ve also joined a sustainable garden (we’ll get a share of the produce plus we get to help out with planting, weeding and harvesting as time allows).

2. Continue to green-up our existence.  I’ve already been working on this.  One of the hardest areas for me right now is the shower.  It’s so hard to get out of the nice warm shower when you know a cold bathroom is waiting.  Especially since we have the thermostat set at 66 degrees. 

3. Put the needs of my kids, husband and me ahead of everyone else.  I tend to say yes too much.   That takes away from family.

4.  My husband has a resolution that includes me.  You can probably guess it.  I’ll do my best to help him out.

5. Be happy.  I want to make an effort to look on the bright side (just like Ali ) and to remind my kids to have an attitude of gratitude.

That should be enough.  I'm always resolving to do better anyway.  So I may add something to the list.  Anyone else doing resolutions?


Mike said...

No resolutions, that would be too much pressure on me! I don't do well with restrictions!

Brian Miller said...

be happy...that is a great one. i might be able to pull it off. smiles.

Green-Eyed Momster said...

They all sound great! Good luck with the healthy eating. The sustainable garden sounds great!