Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Wish I Could Take a Decent Basketball Picture!

I've taken about 100 pictures at my sons' basketball games.  I can't get a really good shot.  I've tried different settings on the camera.  But I either gets shots that are too dark (and when I lighten them, they look grainy) or blurry (when I use a slower shutter speed there's plenty of light but just of blur of player).

So.  Maybe I just don't have the right equipment.  Maybe the problem is that I don't know what I'm doing.  Any suggestions?  (Don't use big photography words.  I'm still a baby when it comes to photography).
I'm hoping to find myself a photography class :)


Green-Eyed Momster said...

I think they're all great except for maybe the last one. I'm still using my cell phone camera since I broke ours so... I'm sorry to say, I'll bet everyone else, especially rxBambi will be more help to you than I am.


Brian Miller said...

you need a really faster shutter speed...they move so though. love basketball...

McGillicutty said...

I wish I could help, I have the same problems in artificial light. I have been playing with the settings a lot more lately and have had better luck but I'm still not to the point I could tell you what it was that I did, sorry. I do know that you need a high ISO for motion, and you'll need some white balance. There's a great book by Scott Kelby (more than one actually) he takes you through the shots to help you "get it" more helpful than a manual. Hope this helps.

Mike said...

What was wrong with the first three pictures?? I thought they were fine!

rxBambi said...

aperture ISO WB PoV DP blah blah blah blah

Lori said...

I am no help but I would think it's because you need a faster shutter speed or something like that?

I think the first 3 were just fine. I love basketball. I had a son and a daughter that played so went to games for years. Lots of fun! Hope your son has a fun and good season. :)

Anonymous said...

i actually really like the first one - great action shot. I have no technical advice for you, I am a baby too :0)