Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Random Thoughts Tuesday

Hey Y'all,
It's Random Thoughts Tuesday again.  Thanks to the Un-Mom!  So let's get a little random.

I'm stressed today because I let my checking account balance get below zero.  This never happens to me.  Of course, I suck at money.  I never balance my checkbook.  I just (usually) make sure there is plenty in there before I write a check. (yeah for the internet).  But this week my AmEx bill had plane tickets on it (5 of us flying to Reno, NV for Christmas) and I forgot it was scheduled to auto-pay from my checking account.  So I scrounged up as much cash as I could and made an emergency deposit.  But still have at least $60 in fees to pay now.  Sucks.  Let's just hope hubby actually gets paid this month!  Don't ask me for money til after Thanksgiving.

Only my 8th grader has school today.  The other two are out for Thanksgiving.  Sucks for him.  He asked if he could skip today but I said no.

Our latest foster dog, Shelby, did not get adopted this past weekend.  I took her to the shelter on Friday to meet her prospective family but they chose Gabby instead.  Good for Gabby.  But, as for Shelby, we did not take her back.  She's sweet as can be, but not a good fit for our family.  She needs a fenced yard to run in.  With us, she was always yanking her neck on the leash.  And she's afraid of my husband for some reason.  He tried talking sweetly to her, ignoring her, giving her treats, but nothing worked.  That made it difficult when he needed to take her out.  So we will get someone else after Thanksgiving.

I've got to get the house cleaned up today.  The dog sitter will be in my house Thursday and Friday and I don't want her to know I'm a total slob!

My youngest was home yesterday and wanted to decorate for Thanksgiving.  So we did.  

OK.  That's all for randomness right now.  I've got to get kid out the door!


I am Harriet said...

I'm sure your dog will find the perfect home.
Have a great RTT!

Brian Miller said...

hope you had fun decorating...i feel sorry for the lone school goer today. hope you get the bank account worked out...did that before, not a lot of fun, like getting kicked while you are down...

happy thanksgiving!

rxBambi said...

When do you find out if hubby get's his paycheck? I still don't see how they can do that... but whatever.

Poor Shelby. You need to talk to Bob and see if we can take her. But you have to clean up the poop.

Green-Eyed Momster said...

I'll send you $60.00 is I win more than $1,000,000. playing the lottery this week. I'm always hoping that silly comments will actually get the Lottery Gods to give me a million or more.
I came over from your sister's blog. She's lucky to have you and you're lucky to have her. I'm one of her biggest fans.
Hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving!

Word Verification is: stoptin. That's just what I did too! I stopt in to say "Hi!"

Mike said...

Why did only one kid have to go to school??

You should have let him stay home!! :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

McGillicutty said...

It's now after Thanksgiving....can I have some money please?

How dare you send 8th Grader to school??? that's just cruel and unusual punishment!!!!

Sucks to be Shelby.